Steel Roses Women

Created for Women by Women

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Women's Health


Empower Women

Strong Women

Support Women

Support Mom's

Mom Stuff

Real Moms

Real Mom Talk

Realistic Mom

Mom Stress

Mom support

Working Mom

Professional Mom

Twin Mom





Stay at home mom

New Jersey Mom

Florida Mom

Positive Mom

Realistic parenting

The Evolution of Steel Roses Podcast:

The concept for this podcast came to life to address an important and yet overlooked need. Women experience similar pressures, frustrations and roadblocks, and yet, no one talks out in the open. There is a constant strain to fit into a particular mold, act in a particular way all while having perfectly coiffed hair and a smile. This silence amongst women is a breeding ground for feeling inadequate, stressed out, resentment and in some instances like a failure. We do not need to continue on this way.

Over the course of season 1 and in preparation for season 2 roughly 20 interviews have been conducted. It is incredibly empowering to hear the stories of everyday women overcoming what life has thrown at them. We all have a back story, and this podcast serves to elevate the voices of women, share their story, normalize that we all have hurdles to overcome, and create a judgement free zone where we are all celebrated.

Join the podcast weekly to hear personal experiences shared by the hosts & guests along with bonus mini-sodes where Jenny Benitez digs deeper into the reality of being a mom, wife, professional, and entrepreneur.

We want to hear from you!

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One of our goals is to create a space for women to connect and engage with each other in an honest and respectful way.

Follow Steel Roses Women on Instagram and LinkedIn to stay up to date on new episodes and send us your feedback & topic requests!

A message from Jenny....

After becoming a mom it felt like my eyes were opened to many more streams of consciousness. Being a mom doesn't define all that I am but it was a catalyst to my development into the person I am today. The realization of how much weight was on my shoulders when my first child was born was overwhelming and for years I felt alone and at times inadequate as a mom, wife, and professional.

Enter the question that would define my next steps, "If I am experiencing this, is it possible other women are too?" This thought nagged at me for years and as my family grew and my life expanded I became firmer in my resolve to use my experience to help other women.

It is critical to elevate women’s voices and change the conversation around being a woman, mom, and professional. No longer should women be hiding in the background or trying to fit into a specific mold. There is no shame in accepting "imperfection". There is no shame in being authentically you! I look forward to you joining me on this journey. Let's get started!


"Where do you see yourself in ten years?" If someone had asked me that when I was twenty-five, I probably wouldn't have described the life I have today. So many surprises have happened along the way. And I wouldn't change the good or the bad because it brought me to where I am now. A mother. A partner. A professor. An optimistic realist. And a motivator, if I dare say.

What I would change is the conversations I had (or didn't get to have) along the way. Because navigating this journey has sometimes been the challenge. If some of the struggles I encountered were actually acknowledged and discussed openly, the journey may have been a little smoother. I think I would have been better prepared, armed with knowledge and accurate expectations.

So why not 'pay it forward'? That's what Jenny and I want to do here. Open up the conversation, help re-create the societal images of women, and maybe leave a better future for our children, our daughters. Again, I admit, I'm a bit of an optimist. But who says we can't be a part of the change? Who says you can't be a part of the change? Come join us...and help leave the world a little different than it was before.

Note: Episodes featuring Melissa can be found in Season 1. As a founder of SRW she is providing background support but has taken a step back from recording at this time.

Boosting productivity with online resources


Coming Soon......

An important part of Steel Roses Women is putting resources at your finger tips.

The resources page will feature links for you to access covering various needs.

Stay tuned as there are more good things to come!